After operating for over 15 years as an informal group of water solutions advisors under the name Rainwater Club, Biome’s team recognized a fast-growing demand for rainwater harvesting and other sustainable water systems and decided to formally integrate water solutions into Biome Environmental Solutions Private Limited.
Biome Water Management’s approach to all projects follows these principles:
● Water conservation
● Sustainable water management
● System design should be easy to maintain / low maintenance
● Solutions that are appropriate / site suitable / customized to the site or client
Our water team specializes in a number of sustainable water services, including rainwater harvesting (RWH), greywater recycling, alternative wastewater treatment systems, and comprehensive water management planning. Biome delivers water solutions for all client types, from households and apartments to corporate campuses, companies, institutions, residential layout associations, and farms. We design systems pre-construction as well as for retrofit. We work with architects and designers to incorporate rainwater harvesting, and greywater treatment systems in the design of the building(s).
Biome also carries out training and capacity building in water management for various professionals and institutions, like civil engineers, architects, PHE consultants, etc
1. Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge
Though rainwater harvesting is mandatory for all constructions in Bengaluru, there are various constraints faced by citizens in getting the right kind of systems installed, not least of which is design knowledge. Biome helps clients to come up with the best strategy and design to address their specific needs, and also provides implementation guidance.
The basic approach to rainwater harvesting at any kind of property is to collect and store as much of the rooftop runoff as possible, and use it for all uses in the property, and send the rest of the runoff (from both rooftop and other surfaces) into the ground via recharge wells. In this manner, dependence on other sources of water such as municipal water and borewells is reduced, and the groundwater table is replenished.
Read about Mahalakshmi’s residential rainwater harvesting system
1. Rainwater harvesting strategy
2. Rainwater harvesting system design for storage and use/groundwater recharge
3. Cost estimate for implementation
4. Implementation guidance only for design adherence, not for project management
2. Integrated water management
![Integrated Water Management by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-6.png)
In the absence of a concerted centralized effort to manage water sustainably, more and more residents and institutions are taking steps toward safeguarding their own long-term water security. A result of these efforts is the emergence of a new framework for sustainable, decentralized water management, whose principles are as follows:
● Relying on local water sources as much as possible, such as
○ harvesting rainwater,
○ treating and reusing wastewater,
○ using open well water wherever possible rather than borewell water
● Reducing water demand as much as possible
● Creating a balance between supply and demand by putting as much (or
more) water back into the ground as one withdraws from it
Methodology of Integrated Water Management involves
● Water conservation and demand management
○ Rainwater harvesting for storage and all uses
○ Water metering and slab based water tariff based on actual usage
○ Reduction in water usage and wastewater discharge
● Groundwater management
○ Limiting drilling of new borewells
○ Groundwater recharge through recharge wells
○ Direct and indirect borewell recharge
● Wastewater management
○ Recycling and reuse of treated wastewater / RO reject water
Read about Rainbow Drive Layout’s integrated water management.
1. Water Conservation and Demand Management
Cutting back on water use and wastewater discharge at the individual and
collective levels is at the heart of water sustainability. An important first step in
demand management that should be implemented by everyone is water metering.
The data collected from water meters can then be used for further calculations.
The services in this include
● Rainwater harvesting strategy and design
● Calculation of the production cost of water
● Water tariff recommendations
● Other recommendations to reduce water usage
2. Groundwater Management
Groundwater is acknowledged as a common property resource that must not be
indiscriminately “mined”. Special consideration is given to replenishing aquifers
and limiting the digging of new borewells. The services in this include
● Borewell analysis based on camera inspections
● Open well yield (pump) tests
● Recharge well design
● Slug tests for recharge wells / dry borewells
● Direct borewell recharge of dry borewell (contingent on suitability of
● Indirect recharge of dry borewell (contingent on suitability of circumstances)
3. Wastewater Management
Wastewater should be discharged at a quality as close as possible to that of the
source water. If not, the pollutants released may eventually contaminate our water
sources. It is also important to explore potential wastewater reuses and reuse as
much of the treated wastewater as possible. The services in this segment include
● Calculation of wastewater volumes
● Recommendations for reuse of treated STP water / RO reject water
● Greywater treatment strategy and design (for individual homes only)
![Flood and seepage management by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-9.png)
Properties in low lying areas face flooding and/or seepage, especially during heavy rain. Seepage could also occur in areas where the groundwater table is high. In many cases of seepage, waterproofing does not help to solve the problem.
1. Strategy and design to mitigate flooding/seepage in existing constructions
2. Inputs regarding the possibility of flooding/seepage in new constructions and how this can be avoided
![Greywater treatment and reuse by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-11.png)
More than 80% of the water used in any set-up is generated as wastewater. Of this, the water used to flush toilets is called black water and the water used to wash clothes and dishes, to shower and in the washbasin is termed greywater. While all sewage can be treated in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), greywater can be treated in a biological system and the resulting treated water can be used for flushing and to water the garden. Biome consults for greywater treatment and reuse at a small scale – for individual homes / properties not exceeding 10-12 residents. The greywater treatment system can be placed on the ground or on the terrace.
Read about Rekha and Ravi Iyer’s greywater treatment and reuse system
1. Strategy and detailed design of the greywater treatment system
2. Cost estimate for implementation
3. Implementation guidance only for design adherence, not for project managements
![Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-8.png)
Water is the biggest challenge faced by most farms. Borewells often dry up and drilling new ones is expensive and a gamble. Biome helps farms to harvest rainwater for two purposes: to maximise storage of rainwater on the land, and to enhance percolation of rainwater into the ground. This helps increase soil moisture and raise the groundwater table.
Read about Sanyam Permaculture Farm’s Water Management System
1. Strategy for harvesting rainwater for storage on land, percolation into the soil and groundwater recharge
2. Conceptual design sketch of the strategy
3. Implementation guidance visit involving guiding the client’s labour to construct one specimen each of the water harvesting earthworks recommended. This visit is only for design adherence, not for project management
Understanding water and learning to work with it is not only interesting, it is necessary for people from all walks of life. Biome provides awareness / training / capacity building services for varied professionals and institutions, to help them incorporate water conservation measures into their lives and work. We have conducted sessions for schools, colleges, apartment and layout residents, companies, plumbers, civil engineers, architects, PHE consultants and the general public. This consultancy is customised to the needs of the client.
After operating for over 15 years as an informal group of water solutions advisors under the name Rainwater Club, Biome’s team recognized a fast-growing demand for rainwater harvesting and other sustainable water systems and decided to formally integrate water solutions into Biome Environmental Solutions Private Limited.
Biome Water Management’s approach to all projects follows these principles:
● Water conservation
● Sustainable water management
● System design should be easy to maintain / low maintenance
● Solutions that are appropriate / site suitable / customised to the site or client
Our water team specializes in a number of sustainable water services, including rainwater harvesting (RWH), greywater recycling, alternative wastewater treatment systems, and comprehensive water management planning. Biome delivers water solutions for all client types, from households and apartments to corporate campuses, companies, institutions, residential layout associations, and farms. We design systems pre-construction as well as for retrofit. We work with architects and designers to incorporate rainwater harvesting and greywater treatment systems in the design of the building(s).
Biome also carries out training and capacity building in water management for various professionals and institutions, like civil engineers, architects, PHE consultants, etc.
Navigate directly to the section on:
1. Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge
Though rainwater harvesting is mandatory for all constructions in Bengaluru, there are various constraints faced by citizens in getting the right kind of systems installed, not least of which is design knowledge. Biome helps clients to come up with the best strategy and design to address their specific needs, and also provides implementation guidance.
The basic approach to rainwater harvesting at any kind of property is to collect and store as much of the rooftop runoff as possible, and use it for all uses in the property, and send the rest of the runoff (from both rooftop and other surfaces) into the ground via recharge wells. In this manner, dependence on other sources of water such as municipal water and borewells is reduced, and the groundwater table is replenished.
Read about Mahalakshmi’s residential rainwater harvesting system
- Rainwater harvesting strategy
- Rainwater harvesting system design for storage and use/groundwater recharge
- Cost estimate for implementation
- Implementation guidance only for design adherence, not for project management
![Integrated Water Management by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-6.png)
In the absence of a concerted centralized effort to manage water sustainably, more and more residents and institutions are taking steps toward safeguarding their own long-term water security. A result of these efforts is the emergence of a new framework for sustainable, decentralized water management, whose principles are as follows:
● Relying on local water sources as much as possible, such as
○ harvesting rainwater,
○ treating and reusing wastewater,
○ using open well water wherever possible rather than borewell water
● Reducing water demand as much as possible
● Creating a balance between supply and demand by putting as much (or more) water back into the ground as one withdraws from it
The Methodology of Integrated Water Management involves
● Water conservation and demand management
○ Rainwater harvesting for storage and all uses
○ Water metering and slab based water tariff based on actual usage
○ Reduction in water usage and wastewater discharge
● Groundwater management
○ Limiting drilling of new borewells
○ Groundwater recharge through recharge wells
○ Direct and indirect borewell recharge
● Wastewater management
○ Recycling and reuse of treated wastewater / RO reject water
Read about Rainbow Drive Layout’s integrated water management.
- Water Conservation and Demand Management
Cutting back on water use and wastewater discharge at the individual and collective levels is at the heart of water sustainability. An important first step in demand management that should be implemented by everyone is water metering. The data collected from water meters can then be used for further calculations. The services in this include
● Rainwater harvesting strategy and design
● Calculation of the production cost of water
● Water tariff recommendations
● Other recommendations to reduce water usage Groundwater Management
Groundwater is acknowledged as a common property resource that must not be
indiscriminately “mined”. Special consideration is given to replenishing aquifers
and limiting the digging of new borewells. The services in this include
● Borewell analysis based on camera inspections
● Open well yield (pump) tests
● Recharge well design
● Slug tests for recharge wells / dry borewells
● Direct borewell recharge of dry borewell (contingent on suitability of
● Indirect recharge of dry borewell (contingent on suitability of circumstances)- Wastewater Management
Wastewater should be discharged at a quality as close as possible to that of the
source water. If not, the pollutants released may eventually contaminate our water
sources. It is also important to explore potential wastewater reuses and reuse as
much of the treated wastewater as possible. The services in this segment include
● Calculation of wastewater volumes
● Recommendations for reuse of treated STP water / RO reject water
● Greywater treatment strategy and design (for individual homes only)
![Flood and seepage management by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-9.png)
Properties in low-lying areas face flooding and/or seepage, especially during heavy rain. Seepage could also occur in areas where the groundwater table is high. In many cases of seepage, waterproofing does not help to solve the problem.
- Strategy and design to mitigate flooding/seepage in existing constructions
- Inputs regarding the possibility of flooding/seepage in new constructions and how this can be avoided
![Greywater treatment and reuse by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-11.png)
More than 80% of the water used in any set-up is generated as wastewater. Of this, the water used to flush toilets is called black water and the water used to wash clothes and dishes, to shower and in the washbasin is termed greywater. While all sewage can be treated in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), greywater can be treated in a biological system and the resulting treated water can be used for flushing and to water the garden. Biome consults for greywater treatment and reuse at a small scale – for individual homes / properties not exceeding 10-12 residents. The greywater treatment system can be placed on the ground or on the terrace.
Read about Rekha and Ravi Iyer’s greywater treatment and reuse system
- Strategy and detailed design of the greywater treatment system
- Cost estimate for implementation
- Implementation guidance only for design adherence, not for project management
![Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge by Biome Water Management, Bangalore](https://biomewatermanagement.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/New-Project-8.png)
Water is the biggest challenge faced by most farms. Borewells often dry up and drilling new ones is expensive and a gamble. Biome helps farms to harvest rainwater for two purposes: to maximise storage of rainwater on the land, and to enhance percolation of rainwater into the ground. This helps increase soil moisture and raise the groundwater table.
Read about Sanyam Permaculture Farm’s Water Management System
- Strategy for harvesting rainwater for storage on land, percolation into the soil and groundwater recharge
- Conceptual design sketch of the strategy
- Implementation guidance visit involving guiding the client’s labour to construct one specimen each of the water harvesting earthworks recommended. This visit is only for design adherence, not for project management
Understanding water and learning to work with it is not only interesting, it is necessary for people from all walks of life. Biome provides awareness / training / capacity building services for varied professionals and institutions, to help them incorporate water conservation measures into their lives and work. We have conducted sessions for schools, colleges, apartment and layout residents, companies, plumbers, civil engineers, architects, PHE consultants and the general public. This consultancy is customised to the needs of the client.